02 DEC 2021

Iberdrola, winner of the FEMUR "Men for Equality" awards

  • The Federation of Rural Women distinguishes the company for promoting a policy of equal opportunity and work-life balance

The Federation of Rural Women, FEMUR, a pioneering and benchmark organisation in the defence and promotion of rural women, today presented the FEMUR "Men for Equality" Awards at a gala event held at the Juan Bravo Theatre in Segovia. These awards recognise and make visible the promotion and encouragement of people or entities, institutions and companies in defence of equality between rural women and men in Spain, and in this first edition have been supported by the Directorate-General for Women of the Junta de Castilla y León.

These national awards recognised three categories: company, NGO and individual. In the category for the promotion and encouragement of equality for companies, Iberdrola received the award for its work in implementing a policy of equal opportunity and work-life balance.

The award was collected by the institutional delegate of Iberdrola in Castilla y León, Miguel Calvo, who gave thanks for the award after the affectionate video that the chairman of Iberdrola, Ignacio Galán, sent to the rural women in which he expressed his heartfelt gratitude for the recognition: "you rural women are a group of fighters who have spent decades vindicating the work of women".

Galán also proudly recalled her rural origins: "I know better than anyone that you are the true pillar of economic, social and environmental development in rural Spain. Because I know that you are full of wisdom, tenacity and desire to prosper, so it is you who deserve all the recognition".

Finally, the Chairman of Iberdrola wanted to share this award with the 40,000 people who make up the company on five continents. "We do our utmost every day to ensure that this group continues to be an example of equality, diversity and inclusion", said Galán, who stressed that they will continue to promote effective equality in their company and in society as a whole.

In the category of the prize for the promotion and encouragement of equality for NGOs, the award went to the Asociación Igualdad es Sociedad, ASIES, for its commitment to projects that raise awareness, train and educate in values of equality between women and men with the aim of eradicating gender violence.

And finally, in the category for the promotion and encouragement of equality for individuals, the award went to Alex Clavero, for his work not only as a comedian but also as a scriptwriter. He is a male reference that represents equality thanks to the success of his show #MiMadreEsTrendingTopic.
Clavero said that "I am really proud that my show helps equality between men and women".

The gala was attended by the vice-president of the Segovia Provincial Council, José María Bravo; the deputy for Social Affairs, Azucena Suárez; the second deputy mayor of Segovia City Council, Andrés Torquemada; the councillor for Equality of Segovia City Council, Ana Peñalosa; the national president of FEMUR, Juana Borrego; mayors of nearby towns, as well as personalities from the field of equality and rural women.

Recognised equality
In her speech, the national president, Juana Borrego pointed out that rural society is making progress in equal opportunities. "Very slowly, it is true, but the foundations we are building are supported by our impressive and unstoppable rural women, who are achieving a fairer, more responsible society, capable of raising awareness and contributing to real and effective equality between women and men", said Borrego, who insisted on feeling very proud "because we will continue to chart a future where equality is heard, seen and felt".

In this regard, the president of FEMUR commented that "we don't want them to be the best. We want them to be equal. We want them to have the same job opportunities. We want there to be no gaps whatsoever. We want men and women in the rural world to look at each other and understand that together they are stronger. That is the only way to reach higher and further. And achieving equal opportunity in the rural world is also a commitment for men".

Finally, he recalled that this year the organisation is commemorating its 30th anniversary. "We are blowing out 30 candles full of optimism, sacrifice, enthusiasm and joy, of new projects, always taking care of our origin and roots", concluded Borrego.

FEMUR is a pioneer in the struggle to improve the situation of rural women. It was in 1983 when it took its first steps with a group of women forming associations, becoming the current National Federation of Rural Women.

Its founder and National President, Juana Borrego Izquierdo, works to promote the full freedom of rural women, to facilitate and promote solidarity, to fight for labour, social, political and economic equality, to improve their personal discouragement and their situation, defending training, empowerment and rights.

FEMUR fights for progress, depopulation, isolation, lack of services in the Rural World.

Its hallmarks are formal and informal training; the training and job placement centre; advice for rural women entrepreneurs; social activities, economic and cultural policies; defending equal opportunity; recognising invisible work; helping to reconcile family, personal and professional life; eradicating domestic violence; fighting against poverty in cooperation projects and depopulation; defending the lack of services in the rural world; improving education, health, Internet; attending to and helping our elderly and young people; promoting volunteering and helping to have and improve new technologies.